
3 Riverina St, Melonba 2765


0426 966 170

Office hours

M, W, F: 8:30am - 7:30pm.
S: 7:30am - 11am

Feeling stiff, sore, or injured?

Marsden Park Chiropractic empowers individuals to move with increased fluidity, strength, and agility, providing enhanced protection against injury, particularly as one ages.

Here’s how it works:


You progressed from crawling to walking, then running, and even jumping... But what came next? If you're similar to many individuals, you entered the workforce and found yourself spending prolonged periods seated, gradually becoming less active and experiencing increased stiffness. Eventually, you woke up one day to find yourself dealing with pain or injury.

Roadmap out of pain

We craft a comprehensive playbook for transitioning from pain back to daily activities. We specialise in uncovering the root cause of your issues, providing a detailed roadmap to restore function, and equipping you with strategies to prevent recurrence.


We integrate the methods below into each session as needed


Diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal disorders, primarily through adjustments of the spine.

Physical therapy

Exercises, manual therapy, and other techniques to rehabilitate injuries, improve mobility, and alleviate pain

Dry Needling

Insertion of thin needles into trigger points or muscles, aiming to alleviate pain and improve muscle function

Conditions we treat


On the spot claims through HICAPS

Medicare and All Private health accepted
Private Health - All Accepted


Most frequent questions and answers

First and foremost we need to understand your medical and health history. Unfortunately, many health problems can mimic disorders of the spine and, as such, we will discuss your history in some detail. This will be followed by a comprehensive examination in order to make the most accurate diagnosis.

In short, yes. Chiropractic x-rays are used as a diagnostic tool for doctors and play a crucial role in ensuring you are provided with the proper treatment and care.

Why X-Rays Are Important:

X-rays are important because they allow the doctor to see a visual of your spinal condition. Through x-ray films the doctor can determine the health of your spine as well as if any fractures, dislocations, subluxations (a misalignment of the intricate spinal bones called vertebra), arthritis, infections, or tumours are present.

Are X-Rays Required:

Ultimately whether or not x-rays are required for a patient to receive care is up to the doctor’s discretion. Since the majority of people seeking chiropractic care are doing so because of pain it is often necessary to take x-rays in order to determine the cause of symptoms. There are several reasons though where x-rays are not needed or required to be adjusted. For instance, x-rays are usually not taken on children unless scoliosis is suspected. Also, for safety reason x-rays should never be taken if you are pregnant and you are usually not required to take new films if you have had recent spinal x-rays which the doctor can review.

Some people after 1 adjustment can see results, others it can take weeks, or even months to see results. It varies with each person.

No, getting adjusted should not hurt. More often than not you will actually feel a release of pressure. Any discomfort after an adjustment would be similar to what you might feel in your muscles after a workout at the gym.

During a chiropractic appointment, you may have to lie down on a padded table, so your clothes have to be comfortable. The best approach is to go for loose, comfortable clothing or something that isn’t restrictive such as yoga pants, leggings, running shorts, etc. Avoid layers, ties, skirts and dresses.