Treat your hip, knee, ankle or foot pain

Chiropractors treat hips, knees, ankles and foot pain on a regular basis. Ensure you find the root cause of your pain in order to improve function and return to normal everyday life. 

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hip pain


Femoroacetabular impingement: Caused by abnormal contact by the femoral head within the hip socket (acetabulum). Osteoarthritis of the hip can occur secondary to prolonged friction between these two structures.

Piriformis Syndrome: is a muscle in the buttock which can become overloaded, and glued to other muscles and cause excessive friction and pressure of the sciatic nerve. This in turn presents as buttock pain.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: Pain, felt around the front of your knee. Typically aggravated by squatting, sitting, climbing stairs, and running. Knee problems are generally found to occur as a result of widespread adhesion / scar tissue over the quadriceps muscles, tendons,  joint capsule of the knee. 

Quadriceps and Patellar Tendinopathy: Irritation over the quadriceps and patellar tendons due to excessive load and forces from the surrounding musculature. 

• Achilles tendonitis / tendinopathy: pain over the tendon as a result of chronic overload. In this case, forces applied to the gastrocnemius muscle is supposed to be transferred onto the achilles tendon then onto the bone. This fails leading to macroscopic damage over the tendon itself.

Plantar fasciitis: is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, a piece of strong, thick tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot.


• Chiropractic (Joint therapy)

• Remedial / Sports Massage / Theragun / Instrument muscle therapy

• Posture / Functional Assessment / Gait Analysis

• Orthopaedic and Neurological testing

• Injury Prevention and rehabilitation

neck pain treatment

Marsden Park Chiropractic Location

Increasingly, people in Marsden Park are realising the benefits of seeing a chiropractor regularly. These include families, office workers, tradesmen and athletes who want to maintain excellent posture and spinal movement.


$ 70


$ 110

Marsden Park Chiropractic Pricing

Marsden Park Chiropractic offers competitive pricing based on length of time. We have appointments running up to 15 minutes and longer sessions running up to 30 minutes.

Frequently asked questions

Your hip is a large ball and socket that’s aimed at providing flexibility and less rigidity for movement, requiring a lot of pressure to aggravate the area. Discomfort in your pelvis could result from wear and tear issues such as osteoarthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis. Soreness in your knee is quite complicated, holding four bones for movement: the femur, fibula, patella, and tibia. Irritation in your lower joints typically occurs from physical activity like sport. Soreness in your feet and joints might seem like a minor issue, but often people don’t realise how it can largely affect your life, requiring our professionals to step in. Your feet are incredibly complex holding together many bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. They allow us to do a range of different maneuvres, from dancing, jumping, to simply standing. Feet aches can be caused by trauma or conditions such as achilles tendonitis and bunion deformity. Receiving professional care for these ailments is a great way to lower and alleviate the impact of your discomfort.

Typical remedies for this condition involves icing, rest, and medication. This can help improve your symptoms but having professional care can help make a difference to your ailments. Doing therapy works to provide alleviation to your ankles, preventing further injuries. At Marsden Park Chiropractic, we aim to understand what’s going on beneath the surface through doing imaging such as CT scans, MRI & an X-ray to see if you require further assistance. We provide an action plan to help you get back on your feet, allowing you to do your daily tasks without any hassle.

This works to alleviate discomfort in your pelvis which can simultaneously cause issues for your back and leg joints. Soreness in your pelvis can be located in your buttocks, groin, exterior, inside your leg joint, and other areas. Like our other remedies, our practitioners first begin by diagnosing to see what kind of ailment you have. From doing all the checkups, we provide you with a state-of-the-art care plan in order to help you recover in due time.

Bunions are an ailment in your feet whereby swelling occurs around the joint that connects to the big toe. This typically occurs when the big toe moves towards the other toes, causing misalignment to occur in the joint. It can take several years for symptoms to show up but can result in an abnormal appearance in your toes, cause inflammation, and make it difficult to walk in peace. Remedies include replacing shoes, padding, as well as getting our professional help. After our diagnosis, we’ll give you an action plan to help alleviate your discomfort.

Soreness in your feet can be an issue that doesn’t get treated until it largely impacts your day-to-day. As a result, this can make it hard for you to do your typical activities. Altogether, your feet are crucial for movement as it forms the base that allows you to get from one place to another, do sport, walk, or do other physical activities. If you are starting to feel irritation in your feet, we can provide highly proven remedies to allow you to feel like yourself again. Like our other services, we’ll provide you with the proper diagnosis and course of action going forward to help you recover.

Your feet are connected to your pelvis, back, and leg joints, requiring the help of a professional who can treat you from head to toe. Our team of professionals can help evaluate what’s going on underneath the surface through a physical examination and X-ray to diagnose your problem. Your practitioner will determine the best strategy including the type of remedies, length of treatment, daily exercises, and more.
At Marsden Park Chiropractic, we specialise in a variety of different ailments to help get your body to bounce back into full swing. Please feel free to speak to our team today to help you book an appointment, provide advice, and answer any questions you may have in relation to our services.